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Parents and Grandparents Program (PGP)

Canadian citizens and permanent residents can sponsor their parents and grandparents to immigrate to Canada. If your family is accepted under the Parents and Grandparents Program (PGP), they will be granted Canadian permanent residency and may be able to seek for Canadian citizenship in the future.

In 2021, Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) organized a lottery and encouraged 30,000 citizens and permanent residents to apply for PGP sponsorship. The 2022 PGP is not yet known.

Eligibility Requirements

Sponsors must have satisfied the following standards in order to be eligible for the 2021 PGP:

Be a Canadian citizen, permanent resident of Canada, or a registered Indian under the Canadian Indian Act.

You must be 18 years old or older.

be a Canadian citizen

Exceed the minimal necessary income level (MNI) for this programme and present evidence of income to IRCC.

Sign an agreement to financially support the sponsored individual for the next 20 years and to return any social assistance payments provided to sponsored family members during that time. In Quebec, the duration of the project is ten years.Minimum Required Income

IRCC demands that you fulfil a minimum essential income criteria in order to sponsor any family member. The criteria exists to guarantee that you can sustain yourself, your family members, and others you choose to sponsor.

You must have exceeded the MNI criteria for each of the previous three taxation years prior to the date you submit your application for the PGP. The MNI is calculated using your Canada Revenue Agency Notice of Assessment.

The MNI criteria for the 2021 PGP are listed in the table below (excluding Quebec). IRCC has not yet released its MNI 2021 criteria for PGP 2022 applicants. It is also worth noting that the IRCC has decreased their MNI for 2020 owing to the coronavirus pandemic.

In Quebec, you can sponsor your parent or grandparent.

After IRCC authorises you as a sponsor, you must complete the Quebec government’s immigration sponsorship standards if you want to sponsor a parent or grandparent in Quebec. In addition to signing an agreement to financially support the sponsored individual and reimburse any social aid, you must also sign a sponsorship agreement with the province of Quebec. Finally, the province has a different income criterion than the rest of Canada.

The Special Visa

Another option for sponsoring parents and grandparents is the Super Visa, which is accessible all year. You can apply for a Super Visa while also attempting to get selected for the PGP. The Super Visa permits Canadian citizens and permanent residents’ parents and grandparents to visit their families for up to five years without having to renew their visitor status. Furthermore, parents and grandparents can enter Canada many times for up to ten years with the Super Visa.

What are the qualifying conditions for the Super Visa?

An applicant for a Super Visa must be the parent or grandparent of a Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada. The applicant’s spouse or common law partner may be listed on the application, but no dependents may be listed.

They must also have a signed letter from your kid or grandchild welcoming the application to Canada, which includes the following information:A pledge of financial assistance for the duration of your visit The list and number of persons in this person’s family

a copy of this individual’s Canadian citizenship or permanent residency card

In addition, the applicant must have medical insurance from a Canadian insurance carrier, which is:

Valid for at least one year from the date of entrance and includes at least $100,000 in emergency coverage.

Have confirmation that your medical insurance is fully paid up.

Furthermore, the applicant’s kid or grandchild must be able to demonstrate that they fulfil the income limits, as indicated by the Low-Income Cut Off (LICO) in the table below. The income criterion is intended to examine the child’s or grandchild’s capacity to financially support themselves.

The income criterion is intended to analyse the child’s or grandchild’s ability to financially assist their family members, especially since the burden that comes with caring for an ageing family member might be significant.

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