The International Canadian Experience (ICE) also known as a working holiday visa. If you are thinking of coming to Canada and experience all the wonders of this stunning country?
This is a great way to come and explore our wonderful land. If you are eligible for the program you can live, work and in the mix meet all types of people and expand your horizon.
With this in mind, what exactly is the International Canadian Experience (ICE)?. To further explain, ICE issues temporary work permits to young people from more than 30 nations, allowing them to live and work legally in Canada.
However, it all depends on your country of citizenship, the permits are valid for 12 or 24 months. In addition, candidates must first build a profile to inform the Canadian authorities of their intention to work in Canada on a working holiday visa.
After, the chosen candidates will receive an invitation and have 10 days to accept. Once you accept you have 20 days to apply online for a work permit. In case you don’t respond the invitation will expire and you have to do it all over again.

You need to become a candidate in the pool for the international Experience Canada (IEC).
Once you are invited you need to apply then apply for a work permit. What is the eligibility? Here it is:
- Meet the requirement for your country of citizenship and the pool you are applying for
- Your country or territory of origin has to have an agreement with Canada to apply for ICE work permit
- You can use a recognized organization to help you with the process
Author:Immigration and Citizenship Canada Immigration Article Title:Work and travel in Canada with International Experience Canada Website Title: www.cic.gc.ca URL:https://www.cic.gc.ca/english/work/iec/eligibility.asp