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canada sets first targets for temporary residents

New day, new announcement in Canadian Immigration and I’m here to talk about it. 


By the way, as a refresher, My name is Messia Ditshimba, A Registered Canadian Immigration Consultant from Vancouver, Canada helping immigrants with their personalized and customized pathways for permanent residency or citizenship in Canada. I run my consulting firm with a skilled and committed team helping me achieve efficiency and the best results in client approvals. 

MDS Consulting

Are you aware that the population of Canada reached a remarkable milestone of 40 million people last year? Exhibiting a growth of about 1 million, that’s indeed a lot of people in such a short amount of time. Do you think it’s a good thing? Well, according to Marc Miller, he has observed in the data that 42% of Canada’s temporary residents are international students coming from India, South Korea, China, France, Vietnam, the Philippines, and Taiwan. While 9% are temporary foreign workers from Mexico, India, the Philippines, Guatemala, and Jamaica are enrolled in the Temporary Foreign Workers Program, and 44% are temporary foreign workers from India, Ukraine, France, China, and the USA under the International Mobility Program.

busy people

Due to this particular case and circumstances, the federal government of Canada intends to reduce the percentage of temporary residents in the population from the current 6.2% to 5% during the next three years. 


“The current economic situation has changed,” stated the Honorable Randy Boissonnault.

Randy Canada

The initial objectives of these modifications and limitations will be established in the fall season, specifically in September 2024, 3 months from now. 


Also, Canada’s immigration policy introduced and announced a two-year restriction on international student visas for all countries last January 2024. To ease the burden on the current housing price problems, immigrants are not being given good healthcare and are waiting for more than 8 months to a year just to have a family doctor and other services because of the large number of people entering the country.

immigrants canada

The announcement has resulted in both favourable and negative responses and comments from everyone, particularly from international students who are only allowed to work 20 hours a week starting May 1, 2024, and 24 hours per week on September 2024. Firms depend on international student workers for their labour-intensive workforce. 


Several universities expressed concerns that implementing a cap would result in a decrease in revenue for their schools due to the limited number of attestation letters granted by the government each year. They also noted that not all students who receive an attestation letter pursue completing their studies. 

international students canada

Fun fact! Canada’s population increased by more than 430,000 during the third quarter of 2023, when the world was slowly recovering from the pandemic, making that quarter the fastest pace of population growth in any month since 1957. 


Also, the number of temporary residents in Canada went up and spiked due to higher international student enrolments from Southeast Asian and African countries like Nigeria at post-secondary colleges, masters institutions, and even PhD enrollees, as well as the increase in the usage of temporary worker programs. 


Do you think immigrants are the real reason for the current housing crisis? 


Here are some data and facts, and I’ll let you decide. Home prices in Canada now average CAD 700,000, and rent for Canadians and immigrants has risen by 22% in the last two years, making it impossible for international students to survive with only 20 hours of work per week. There are a lot of factors to consider when considering the increased prices of real estate, and blaming it on the immigrants, I think, is a little unfair.

canada home crises

There is the argument that international students are supposed to have enough money to sustain themselves in their years of living in Canada to finish their studies since they are mandated to provide proof of funds before getting their Canadian student permits. Loopholes in Canadian immigration have resulted in some students having only a little cushion in terms of financial capabilities but not being Refused Entry To Canada, flying here and hoping to get an LMIA from Canadian employers before they graduate resulting in unfinished studies.


According to Randy Boissonnault –  “We are now in a different economic picture,” 


A considerable number of refugees, including approximately 300,000 Ukrainians who were fleeing the Russian war and invasion, have been admitted into Canada as a response to humanitarian issues. 


In an interview with Marc Miller, he said that it’s “unhealthy” to relate the housing crisis in Canada with the refugee asylums, which I agree with. Refugees need desperate help, and we as a country should have open arms for them.

refugees canada

The minister has also said in past interviews that the country has become “addicted” to temporary workers. With all the comments and violent reactions from everyone, “Changes are needed to make the system more efficient and more sustainable,” Miller told a news conference. 


With all the Canada immigration changes happening almost every week, one thing is for sure, Canada is indeed a dynamic immigration country and will always be evolving to meet the needs and wants of both immigrants, citizens, and newcomers. 


These changes are finetuning Canadian Immigration’s processes to make them easier and more up-to-date. This also means that Canada’s door will remain open to everyone who wishes to come visit, stay, and work, especially in the sectors of healthcare and construction. 


Are you thinking about relocating to Canada but unsure which pathway to choose? Are you looking for registered consultants for immigration to Canada? 


With over 16,000 successful cases I have handled with my consulting firm, a 95% success rate, and 8 years of experience in Canadian immigration, I am confident that with whatever immigration problems you have, we at MDS Consulting can help you personalize and customize your profile to achieve the best results and approval. 


There are a lot of scams out there pretending to be an Immigration Consultant. They promise you the world, and get your money, but do not get good results. Always do your research and search for an immigration consultant on the Canadian Immigration Website. 


Why it’s Important to have a regulated immigration consulting canada : 


Canadian Immigration Expertise. I studied Canada Immigration Law for more than 5 years and have been compliant with all renewals of papers in terms of the regulations for my consulting firm.


Positive quality of service. With my 7 diverse team members helping me with your applications, efficiency with personalizing and customizing each client is part of my company’s forte. 


Transparency with client. Being honest with what we can do and cannot do is very important for us. We take time to review each case making sure the timelines are fit to the client. 

Immigration is not a one-size-fits-all all kind of thing, so it’s very important to learn about each case, diagnose, talk 1 on 1 with the client, and research new pathways and pilots before writing a conclusion and suggestion. 


Whether you are looking for a visitor visa, a work visa, a spousal visa, a student permit, or permanent residency, MDS Consulting is here to help you through each and every step of the process. Are you interested in scheduling a consultation appointment with me? You are welcome to contact us by phone at 778-806-1092 or by sending an email to Lizeth Wong at 



Your ambition of obtaining Canadian residency might become a reality if we work together.



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